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Basic Drive FC-101 frequency converter

  • This general-purpose variable frequency drive is designed for regulating the rotation speed of an AC electric motor with a maximum power output of 90 kW.
  • This drive is suitable for both general ventilation and smoke extraction ventilation systems.
  • The fire mode prevents the drive from a self-protecting shut-down. While in this mode the drive continues to perform speed regulation duty for mission-critical fans irrespective of control signals, warnings and alarms which may otherwise force it shut down.
  • A built-in throttle on the DC link ensures a low harmonic load on the power mains as per the EN 61000-3-12 standard requirements.
  • Four PNP or NPN programmable digital inputs, 0-24 V DC.
  • 2 analogue inputs (0-10 V or 0/4-20 mA).
  • 2 analogue outputs (0/4-20 mA).
  • 2 relay outputs.
  • MODBUS RTU (RS 485).
  • BACnet MSTP.
  • FC Protocol.
  • N2 Metasys.
  • FLN Apogee.
  • Thanks to an ultra-compact design the drive can be easily fitted into a larger unit or panel of an air ventilation system. The casings are rated IP20/Type 1/IP21 (optional) and IP54.
Power Current VLT® FC 101 HVAC Basic Drive 0.37-90 kW (3 х 380 – 480 V~, without a braking transistor)
0.37 1.2 131L9861
0.75 2.2 131L9862 131NO177 131NO178
1.5 3.7 131L9863 131NO179 131NO180
2.2 5.3 131L9864 131NO181 131NO182
3 7.2 131L9865 131NO183 131NO184
4 9.1 131L9866 131NO185 131NO186
5.5 12 131L9867 131NO187 131NO188
7.5 15.5 131L9868 131NO189 131NO190
11 23 131L9869 131NO191 131NO192
15 31 131L9870 131NO193 131NO194
18 37 131L9871 131NO195 131NO196
22 42.5 131L9872 131NO197 131NO198
30 61 131L9873 131L9875 131NO201 131NO202
37 73 131L9881 131L9883 131NO205 131NO206
45 90 131L9889 131L9891 131NO209 131NO210
55 106 131L9897 131L9899 131NO213 131NO214
75 147 131L9905 131L9907 131NO217 131NO218
90 177 131L9913 131L9915 131NO221 131NO222
Casing (E20) IP20/Chassis (E20) IP20/Chasis IP54 IP54
EMC filter (H2) RFI class A2 (for industrial areas) (H3/H4) RFI class A1/B (for residential areas) (H2) RFI class A2 (for industrial areas) (H3) RFI class A1/B (for residential areas)
Control panel (X) without panel (X) without panel Integral Integral

VLT® HVAC Basic frequency converters rated up to 22 kW are fitted with circuit boards with a special class 3C3 protective coating. For frequency converters rated higher than 22 kW this protective coating is optional while , the 3C2 coating is standard.

Order code Description
132B0200 Operator's digital panel
132B0201 Kit for remote mounting of the operator panel to an IP55 cabinet, including 3 m cable
132B0202 Decoupling plate for H1 and H2 standard sizes
132B0204 Decoupling plate for H3 standard size
132B0205 Decoupling plate for H4 and H5 standard sizes
132B0207 Decoupling plate for H6 standard size
132B0242 Decoupling plate for H6 standard size (extra large)
132B0208 Decoupling plate for H7 standard size
Order code Description
132B0243 Decoupling plate for H7 standard size (extra large)
132B0209 Decoupling plate for H8 standard size
132B0244 External EMC filter class A1/B1 for power output from 0.37 to 2.2 kW
132B0245 External EMC filter class A1/B1 for power output from 3 to 7.5 kW
132B0246 External EMC filter class A1/B1 for power output from 11 to 15 kW
132B0247 External EMC filter class A1/B1 for power output from 18.5 to 22 kW
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